About Soil & Soap

Reverence for the earth & environmental sustainability are the heart & soul of Soil & Soap. All aspects of the business are evaluated for their "green value", from where / how to obtain ingredients and packaging, through the production processes, to labeling, marketing, and distributing. We are always working toward zero waste, with a goal of minimizing the impact on natural environment.
I had a fairly dirty childhood...
Raised with the forests, rocks & rivers of southern Missouri, I had a fairly dirty childhood. Dad was a soil scientist, and we spent a lot of time outside, learning about the flora & fauna, and what sustained them.
My parents loved and lived cycles of the earth, which developed in me a soul connection to natural, native principles. We always had a vegetable garden, and flower gardens, and house plants- mom has a knack for keeping green things alive.
It was much later before I discovered the real "secret" of how soil truly sustains all life. That's when I started getting serious about what goes into my body, and my child's body, and realized that food produced is dependent upon soil health & quality.
I noticed that my own plants grow better in soil that is cared for and nurtured, with living creatures who do what they do best. I became a student of sustainable agriculture and living soil.
As I learned about the wondrous worms, and the huge role they play in the soil-food-web, I wanted to promote their existence. I started simply, with household food & paper waste. Healthy worms keep reproducing, and supplying castings.
Then I became addicted to changing the soil and the "accepted" practices of agriculture. I guess you could say I've come back to my roots. [pun intended]
But what about the "soap" part?
It's a similar story. As a new mother, 15 years ago, I began looking at product labels in a way I hadn't before-with an eye to what ingredients were used and where they came from.
This opened my eyes to cheaply-made, low quality, large scale production of daily use items. This, in turn, led me to begin producing my own soaps and other household cleaning and beauty products, with ingredients that were produced naturally and sourced locally.
I gave some items as gifts, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Now, making soap, modifying recipes, and experimenting with nature-given ingredients is a passion.
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