bar soap
overall overhaul bar soap
Real work isn’t fresh linen. Smoky, sweet, and earthy, with a lightly laundered memory. [linen FO & rosemary EO] 4oz
pet TLC bar soap
Aminals are people, too. So much love. Formulated for the furry ones, but good for human skin, too. [tea tree, lavender, cedar] Remembering Murphy René Guinness Schuetz. 4oz
sh sh shhh bar soap
It’s the soothy stuff. The snuggle-me-up and lay-me-down stuff. Lavender enveloped in sweet, raw honey. 4oz
shave it off bar soap
I mean, if you wanna. Tidy up & they’ll breathe you in…and pretend it’s still what it was. [bay rum EO & FO] 4oz
waking up bar soap
Spear & pepper mints, to balance the sharp eucalyptus. Fresh, clean, crisp. She knows. 4oz