liquid laundry soap eucalyptus
Simple and pure, in either lavender, eucalyptus, or nonscents. 32oz
liquid laundry soap lavender
Simple and pure, in either lavender, eucalyptus, or nonscents. 32oz
liquid laundry soap nonscents
Simple and pure, in either lavender, eucalyptus, or nonscents. 32oz
mi madre bar soap
Pregnant with thought; quiet, yet plucky. Deep and wise. Timeless combination of sandalwood & grapefruit. 4oz
mini bar soap sampler (3)
Three mini bars. Though you can specify preference, nothing guaranteed. I’ll select from what’s on hand. These are the baby bars from extra pours, so they’re spontaneous and a little unpredictable. 7.5oz (3 bars)
nonscents bar soap
Sniffs & scrubs? Nonsense! This one is pure as the driven snow. [Get it? Scents & sense.] 4oz
overall overhaul bar soap
Real work isn’t fresh linen. Smoky, sweet, and earthy, with a lightly laundered memory. [linen FO & rosemary EO] 4oz
pet TLC bar soap
Aminals are people, too. So much love. Formulated for the furry ones, but good for human skin, too. [tea tree, lavender, cedar] Remembering Murphy René Guinness Schuetz. 4oz
sh sh shhh bar soap
It’s the soothy stuff. The snuggle-me-up and lay-me-down stuff. Lavender enveloped in sweet, raw honey. 4oz
shave it off bar soap
I mean, if you wanna. Tidy up & they’ll breathe you in…and pretend it’s still what it was. [bay rum EO & FO] 4oz
waking up bar soap
Spear & pepper mints, to balance the sharp eucalyptus. Fresh, clean, crisp. She knows. 4oz